You are forgetting this muscle in your hockey training.

Speed Adduction For Hockey Goalies and Skaters… Hockey goalies and skaters all want more speed. That’s a given. So the focus often falls on the big ‘pushing’ muscles on the…

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They look cool (and reduce training time?)

Reduce your training time from 60 to 20 minutes with a breathing mask? That almost sounds too good to be true doesn’t it? I think in this case it actually…

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Goalie Gear Geeks !- – this one is for you

Probably the biggest lesson I learned from my thesis supervisor and mentor Dr. Peter Fowler (yeah, the guy who did Yzerman’s knee re-alignment that let him win one more Cup)…

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EOTW: Hip Drive For Quicker Post-To-Post

I admit, I did not stay up last night to watch the entire game, but I did stay up until 9:13pm, which is pretty good for a work night.  I…

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This helps you move quicker in the crease

If you have ever learned a language, you know there is a big difference between reading from the book and actually carrying on a conversation.  In the book everything is…

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Hack Your Hip Stretch

I didn’t invent this technique, using a resistance band to add some mobilization to a stretch is not a new idea, but it might be new to you and this…

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Deeper Splits & Wider Butterfly Flare

So the UGT Live 2015 was held this past weekend in London, ON and what an awesome time it was!  The day started with a 7:30am warm up at the…

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Skeptical of training programs?

I had an odd email the other day from one of you who said that you had been “Skeptical of training programs in the past”. Skeptical? Really? Like you think…

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Interview With Guru Of Multi-Directional Speed

I have known Lee Taft’s work for probably 10+ years.  I have seen him present on speed development several times at conferences in the US including the prestigious National Strength…

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This One Is Tougher Than Squats

Well, it sure makes my hip muscles burn more than squats. You know how I have given you some hockey training exercises that look really simple and then you try…

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