7/28 Live Q&A – ACL Rehab, Slow Shots, Off-Season Training
Hey gang, Rachel here (Maria’s Super-Awesome Assistant!). If you missed out on Maria’s Facebook Live Hockey Goalie Q&A this past Friday afternoon, fear not! I have the video for you…
7/21 Live Q&A – Older Goalies, Achilles Tear Performance, Periodization
Hey gang, Rachel here (Maria’s Super-Awesome Assistant!). If you missed out on Maria’s Facebook Live Hockey Goalie Q&A last Friday, fear not! I have the video for you right here:…
7/14 Live Q&A – Supersets, Hip Flexor Mobility, Reverse VH & Butterfly
Hey gang, Rachel here (Maria’s Super-Awesome Assistant!). If you missed out on Maria’s Facebook Live Hockey Goalie Q&A this past Friday morning, fear not! I have the video for you…
6/12 Live Q&A- Blinking, UGT Sets & Reps, Back Strain
Hey gang, Rachel here (Maria’s Super-Awesome Assistant!). If you missed out on Maria’s Facebook Live Hockey Goalie Q&A this past Monday, June 12th, fear not! I have the video for…
6/02 Live Q&A – Sciatica, Recovery, New Adult Goalies
Hey gang, Rachel here (Maria’s Super-Awesome Assistant!). If you missed out on Maria’s Facebook Live Hockey Goalie Q&A on June 2nd, fear not! I have the video for you right…
5/26 Live Q&A – Artificial Ice, Heavy Lifting, Soreness
Hey gang, Rachel here (Maria’s Super-Awesome Assistant!). If you missed out on Maria’s Facebook Live Hockey Goalie Q&A on May 26th, fear not! I have the video for you right…
Live Q&A – Summer Off-Ice Programs, Weight vs Reps
Hey gang, Rachel here (Maria’s Super-Awesome Assistant!). If you missed out on Maria’s Facebook Live Hockey Goalie Q&A this afternoon, no probs! I have the video for you right here:…
Q&A – Prehab, Leg Dominance, Stick Arm
Hey gang, Rachel here (Maria’s Super-Awesome Assistant!). If you missed out on Maria’s Facebook Live Goalie Q&A on 2-10-17, fear not! I have the video for you right here: Facebook…
Q&A – Training Space, Daily Stretching, Side Splits
Hey gang, Rachel here (Maria’s Super-Awesome Assistant!). If you missed out on Maria’s Facebook Live Hockey Skater & Goalie Q&A on 1-16-17, fear not! I have the video for you…
Q&A – Slow Shots, Supplements, Tempo
Hey gang, Rachel here (Maria’s Super-Awesome Assistant!). If you missed out on Maria’s Facebook Live Hockey Skater & Goalie Q&A from 1-06-17, no problem! I have the video for you…