How Hockey Goalies Get a Better Splits.
To many hockey goalies the holy grail of flexibility is the splits. So it is not odd that I get several emails every month asking, “What stretch will let me do the splits?” If only it were that easy my friends. There are at least three things limiting any goalie from doing the splits.
Home Workout for Goalies & Experiment in Commitment
Start with this home workout for goalies. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds. Rest 10-15 seconds between each exercise and complete 2-4 circuits. You can do this workout 2-4 times per day – but make sure your technique is perfect, otherwise you may injure yourself. Some of the exercises are pretty advanced. This is not a beginner workout routine.
A FREE 14-Day Flexibility Challenge for Hockey Goalies
The Ultimate Guide to Flexible and Durable Hips for Goalies includes a video demonstrating each exercise and a training manual (in PDF format) that tells you exactly how to implement these exercises into your routine over. I even challenge you to give it a try for just 14-days (spending less than 10-minutes per day) and notice what a dramatic difference you will see on the ice with just a small change to your routine off the ice.
Time to Re-Evaluate PLUS Goalie Training Q&A
I gave you a quick off-ice evaluation that you could do on yourself to monitor either your progress with your program or your regression. Well, time to redo that test and see how you measure up.
Off-Ice Goalie Drill for Crease Backside Recovery
I have a new off-ice goalie drill for you today – yes, you do get to wear your knee pads and hockey socks around for this one. My goal with this dryland drill was to help you with your backside recovery, to help you maintain level shoulders as you move laterally and to provide an off-ice goalie drill that would help you transition from your butterfly back up to the ready position.
How to Map Your Way to Success.
Can you picture where you want to be. What type of goalie do you want to be? Be specific, what do you want your save percentage to be (think of the exact number). Do you want to play college, OHL, pro or dominate your men’s league. When you close your eyes, can you clearly picture it?
The best online resources for hockey training info.
Here is the list of people who I think are worth reading online and some of their very best hockey training articles…
Bottom Up Dryland Goalie Training: The Shoulder
I hope you have enjoyed this Bottom Up Training series – it represents some of the basic exercises that any goalie could use to improve the function of their body. Let me know if you would like to see me repeat the series in a few months with more advanced goalie specific drills – that might be cool.
“Renegade” Training Tools You Can Make at Home
Today I want to share a few ‘renegade’ training tools that I use at the Revolution Studio. I made them all myself using equipment that I got from the hardware store and a camping outfitters.
Bottom Up Dryland Goalie Training: The Spine
To summarize, the number one thing you should work on is posture, then work on rotation and extension. Keep your t-spine working the way it is meant to and save yourself low back pain, shoulder pain and/or neck pain. You will also be taller in the net and look bigger in goal sending shivers down the spine of all those shooters out there.