New! Ab Circuit for Hockey Players

I have put together a nice ab circuit for hockey players that will build a stronger core while reducing your risk of injury.

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What If? Why Not?

Today, I am not sharing any off-ice goalie training drills specifically, I want to share an idea I got from the book I am reading right now. I do not really read any fiction (other than Harry Potter – seriously – love the Harry Potter!). I prefer to read books about either training or business. Right now I am reading What If? And Why Not?: How to Transform Your Fears into Action and Start the Business of Your Dreams by Jen Groover and there are some ideas I think apply to you so that is what I will share with you today.

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Off-Ice Goalie Training Q&A: 5

Today’s off-ice training Q&A is packed with content here is what you will find:

* What should goalies focus on during their off-ice training (I actually answered this very thoroughly here)?
* Adding Yoga and Pilates to your off-ice goalie training
* Wrist strengthening for goalies/wrist pain with push ups
* The answer to a question asking me if I could tell you exactly what exercises to do and how many reps to do for each
* Why do my knees crack when I squat?
* Can I change my training schedule to fit my on-ice schedule?

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Best rep range for goalie off-ice training.

I share a lot of goalie training exercises with you here on the blog and I get asked “How many sets and reps of those should I do?” This is a tough one to answer because it really depends on your goals and the phase of the off-season.

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Why go after Lance? Here’s why!

That had nothing to do with hockey training, but everything to do with being accountable for everything that goes into your body and making the right choices. And I feel much better now!

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New Online Magazine for Hockey Goalies

Today, I want to share some big news from my friends Dave and Kevin over at! They have really outdone themselves this time with a full online magazine that lets you literally step into the head and skates of the top goalies on the planet.

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What hockey players should focus on in their off-season training?

The best thing a hockey player can do in the off-season is become a better athlete. Whether you are a skater or a goalie, if you can improve your stability, strength, speed and stamina, you will be a more effective player next season.

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UGT 2.0 – It’s here! Off-Ice Interrogation 4!

Ultimate Goalie Training 2.0 is now LIVE!

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Off-Ice Interrogation 2: Flexibility & Stability tests every goalie should pass.

Check out this video outlining the elements that build a successful off-ice goalie training program. The elements that don’t just make you bulky, but those that help you win more games with fewer injuries. Today the focus is on Flexibility & Stability.

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Off-Ice Interogation: Why Goalie Training Programs Fail.

I want to give you some tools to help you evaluate the elements of a great off-ice training program for goalies.

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