The other day the entire point of the post was to control what you can control. It actually leads in nicely to this article on the biggest mistake I see goalies make – – and what you can do about it starting today.
You see goalies at all levels do this, so it’s not just you. But at the highest levels you see it less and less. If you look at Price, Luongo, Smith, Miller, Howard and Quick I will bet even a few of them have done it and it has shown in their performance.
The biggest mistake…
What is the biggest mistake? It is not an exercise they have or have not used and it is not the way they have adjusted their equipment. It is their failure to follow the recipe.
They had a system, or a recipe if you will, and if they managed to make it to the NHL, it was likely a pretty good one. But for various reasons, they moved away from it. Maybe it was that super successful season that led them to believe ‘I’ve got this figured out’ so they started to let parts of the system fall away.
Falling into the trap…
Maybe they took a little more relaxed approach to the warm-up or instead of spending a few extra minutes doing some mobility work or prehab work after the game they rushed out of the rink.
At first it was fine, they were playing well, they were happy, their teammates where happy, heck even the coach was happy. And then it started to fall apart – maybe it was a slow creep – dropping a game here and there until they found themselves sitting on the bench for a few starts.
Or maybe it was a screeching halt as in a major injury that had then spending hours in physio and weeks watching from the press box. You have probably had a similar experience in your career – fortunately it probably did not end up on the front page of the sports section for all to scrutinize.
The simple solution…
Have a system. Work the system. Tweak the system.
Have a system…
It can be simple – even make the simple EOTW that I gave you on the weekend your system and go from there. See the improvements you get from just doing simple things consistently and then build from there in a progressive fashion.
Remember, you cannot jump from no training to working purely on your speed – that will likely lead to injury over time. You have to take the steps – just like you can’t take a helicopter to the summit of Mt. Everest – it will end in disaster.
Work the system…
Be consistent in working your system – this is the only way to know what is working and what is failing you. Give any system at least 4 weeks to give you adaptations – unless of course you are getting pain where you shouldn’t, then abandon it in a hurry.
Tweak the system…
So you have a simple system and you are making progress, maybe your mobility was limiting your performance and your system has dramatically improved that. Now your stamina is limiting your performance – this is the next layer of your system – you need to find the way to develop the exact type of stamina that you need.
Simple isn’t it. It does get a little complicated because you may not know where to start or how to add layers to your system. If you want to do what the pros do, then find a proven system and work that – then make individual adjustments from there.
If you want a proven system but you do not have the time to train like a pro, then you should check out the NEW! Rapid Response Goalie Training System 2.0 since all the leg work is done for you. I am just releasing this NEW version and until Monday night I will run a special promo for you action takers out there. If you are ready to whittle away at the GAA – here is the place to start. Quick goalie-specific workouts you can even do from home.