New! Ab Circuit for Hockey Players

One of the elite hockey players I train 1:1 said the funniest thing to me the other day – I’ll tell you all about it in the video below.  But basically he was asking for a great ab circuit that he could do in addition to his regular training program.  I am not a big believer in doing ‘extra’ stuff, but his reason was so compelling that I had to oblige.

I also thought I could make a nice video and share it with you guys as well.  Basically, you know how I feel about most traditional ‘ab’ exercises and how crunches damage your lumbar spine, so I have put together a nice ab circuit for hockey players that will build a stronger core while reducing your risk of injury.

Ab Circuit for Hockey Players (video)

Here is the direct link to the video in case you cannot see it in the player above…

If you like that ab circuit for hockey players, please do me a favour and just click the “Like” button on this post – it really helps more goalies find me and get some great free training tips.


PS – Hey I want to share part of a cool email I got from one of you yesterday.  I love getting updates from those of you using the UGT or RRGT, so when you get the chance, let me know how you are doing with it.

“I’m only in Phase One of the training, there was a noticeable difference on the ice in my game… after the game one of my teammates said “Holy hell…where have you been playing??”