Holy wow! Soon you will back on the ice for the season and you are going to think your off-ice training is done and boy are you what I like to call “WRONG” 🙂
This is going to be a common theme for the next 8-months just so you know because I get so frustrated when I see our RevCon goalies (and skaters) come back for their off-season training slower, fatter and weaker than they were when we sent them off to training camp.
So I’ll be banging this drum non-stop.
…anyway, your training will definitely change, you won’t have the same volume nor will the periodization be the same. But this exercise will stay in your program – I like it for the in-season because it lets you generate the power, but it reduces some of the impact on your hips, knees and ankles which take a beating during the season (as long as you are practicing and playing).
Don’t just go through the motions – be deliberate, be focused, generate power.
Keep the volume low – 2-3 sets of 4 reps and just a 12-18″ box.
If I see you jumping up on a 36″ box or a big pile of 45lbs plates, I will spank you right in front of every one – I covered the “why” in this video – – Box Jump Silliness
Catch you later.
PS – if you want to see how these types of power drills fit into a comprehensive in-season goalie training program so you gain momentum as the season goes on rather than breaking down. I want you playing at your PEAK during play-offs not looking amazing for the first 3 months of the season and then losing a step as your strength and speed dwindle, then you can check