What’s shakin’? Really quick post today – all I want to do is share part one of the interview I did with London, Ontario based goaltending coach Dave Rook. Dave is a really nice, extremely humble guy, it was my pleasure to chat with him last Thursday. Check out part one of our conversation where I ask him…
- if flexibility is over-rated in goalies
- what makes the difference between a good goalie and a GREAT goalie
- about developing young goalies
Dave Rook Interview (Part One)
PS – I have opened the Ultimate Goalie Training VIP for enrollment, but only until midnight Eastern Time on Monday, April 8th (or until 60 goalies enroll). It is not right for everyone – it is a serious goalie specific off-ice program that makes a perfect off-season training program. Check it out, see if you think it is right for you – if not that is cool.