Hi Gang,
Since I started posting some goalie specific training tips earlier this summer, I have received weekly emails from hockey goalies looking for more position-specific workout ideas. Personally, I think goalies often get overlooked and prescribed the same workout as the rest of the team when really there are some specialized exercises that are essential for the goalies success.
So I am happy to announce the creation of the Ultimate Goalie Training program. I am in the middle of shooting the video and creating the manuals. This training program is specifically for you goalies out there – no skaters allowed. Skaters already have a complete training program they can use. This 12-week program includes:
- Flexibility for goalies
- Stability training
- Strength training
- Speed, Stamina and Reactivty training specifically for goalies
- In-season and off-season formats
- Detailed step by step instructions and videos showing each exercise.
- Detailed training calendar so you know exactly what to do each day to maximize your performance.
- And a few bonuses that I am busy working on.
This is not a laundry list of exercises it is a complete system to help goalies perform better and reduce the risk of injuries. You can play at the next level – Ultimate Goalie Training can help get you there.
Here is a sneak peak. This exercise might look easy, give it a try – can you do it perfectly without assistance? If not, you lack mobility – you need to be doing the flexibility training from Ultimate Goalie Training.
Looking to release the product in mid-October. There will be a discount for those who pre-order…stay tuned for details.