Hockey Goalie Gift Guide 2023

Are you struggling to find the perfect present for the ice hockey goalie in your life? Whether you’re on a tight budget or ready to splurge, here are Maria’s top…

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How To Improve Your Skating With Blade Profiling | Goalie Training Pro

Do you profile your blades as an ice hockey goalie? Do you understand the benefits that profiling can bring to your game? If you think blade profiling is the same…

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Adult/Beer League Goalie Boot Camp Q&A – Goalie Training Q&A – 9.21.23

Happy Thursday and welcome to your September 21st edition of Goalie Training Q&A! If you’re an adult/beer league goalie and are looking for off ice goalie training opportunities, then you’ll…

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Game Changer 🤯 | Tydan Blades with THIS GOALIE Profile

It was a huge game changer when I went from my stock Step Steel blades to these 4mm Tydan blades (yes, the fit in the 3mm Vertex holder) with the…

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