04-23-2020 Live Q&A – Look At Adding To Your Knee Stack
Hey guys, Kevin here with Maria’s Facebook Live Q&A incase you missed it. And just a reminder that the is opening up for enrolment next Friday. If you don’t have…
ICE HOCKEY GOALIES – Stop Every Shot With These 3 Moves
As a hockey goalie, you are NOT going to stop every single shot. #truth #ouch But you can drastically increase your chances by developing the goalie specific stamina and stability…
Productive vs. Painful – how to use the lacrosse ball for mobility
This could be a follow up to the post on Focused Practice because you are leaving a lot on the table when you use the lacrosse ball (LAX) for your…
Pistol Flow For Goalies – hips, legs, core oh my!
Words pretty much cannot describe this advanced mobility drill for goalies, so you better start off by watching the video, then I will come back to give you the key…
3 Key Body Parts Goalies Neglect To Stretch (but shouldn’t)
You and your groins – you are all about your groins, stretch, stretch, stretch! But there are lots of other areas that have a huge impact on your performance that…
The Easiest Thing Any Goalie Can Do To Improve Performance
Have you ever meet an accomplished pitcher who didn’t do long toss or never did maintenance exercises for his or her shoulder? Ever? I know I haven’t. It is…
Working on your Front Splits (video)
Hey Gang, My friend Tyler Bramlett (not Coach Tyler who works with me) is one of the guys in my Mastermind Group – he is also one of the guys…
Grainy video from Vegas & multiplanar flexibility
Okay, so this is going to be a super short post today. Somehow it takes about a week to catch up from missing one day in the gym last week – not sure how that works exactly, but it is what it is. Anyway, when I was in Vegas I was talking to my friend Rick Kaselj of ExercisesForInjuries.com and we were talking about groins….well, you know what I mean, we were talking about groin injuries in hockey players. Anyway we were talking about how so many players use uniplanar stretching techniques when what they really need is multiplanar stretching.
Bottom Up Dryland Goalie Training: The Spine
To summarize, the number one thing you should work on is posture, then work on rotation and extension. Keep your t-spine working the way it is meant to and save yourself low back pain, shoulder pain and/or neck pain. You will also be taller in the net and look bigger in goal sending shivers down the spine of all those shooters out there.
Part 2: Death of Cardio for Goalies + BONUS offer
By the time you are reading this post, Paul & I will be on our way to, or in, Las Vegas for a few days of holiday followed by a few days of business meetings. We are spending the first few days doing some hiking and relaxing out in the Red Rock Canyon area and then we will come into the craziness of Vegas proper for the rest of the time. Stay tuned for stories.
Before I get to part two of the article “The Death of Cardio for Goalies” I want to tell you about the SPECIAL BONUS with the Ultimate Goalie Training system that I am offering while I am away on holiday. When I first released the Ultimate 12-minute Goalie Warm-Up, I had a special offer where you could get the Ultimate 12-Minute Goalie Warm-Up AND the Ultimate Goalie Training System for only $97 rather than $134. I called it the Ultimate Goalie Domination package! Some of you have still found that link and got a great deal on the package, but I have not been advertising that it is there…until now!