My new baby!
Tell me, do you think a dryland goalie training program that you can complete twice per week with no workout lasting longer than 40-minutes could help you be the goalie you want to be? Could it help you move toward the goalie you want to be? Would it be better than what you are doing now – nothing? Would it be better than what you are doing now – going to the gym and working out on machines?
Success or Failure – chose one.
Let’s go back to Kindergarten right now and put on our imagination. Imagine your goaltending career, and I don’t care in any way if that career is AA, NHL or OBBL (old boys beer league), just picture your career. Now imagine that you come to a fork in the road and the sign showing two options – either success or failure. Which will you chose?
Do you believe that you are as good a goalie as you can be? More importantly are you as good a goalie as you want to be? I doubt it – I don’t think you would be reading this blog if you were answering “Yes” to both of these questions.