The Truth About Carbs

I stopped counting the number of hockey players who tell me (with great pride) that they really avoid carbs and focus on getting protein. When I was the strength coach…

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The Best Diet For You This Off-Season

I am trying to wrap up a few questions from the live Webinar I hosted yesterday for members of the Insider’s List.  We covered a lot of ground and I…

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Simple 3-Step Post Game Recovery

A simple 3-step reccovery? The answer is “Yes”. Yes, there are things you can do immediately after a game that will help you recover faster. Yes, anyone can do them.…

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Good vs. Evil. Should We Eat Grains?

  Aren’t we supposed to eat more whole grains? Is Gluten bad for you? Won’t I get a ‘Wheat Belly’. But won’t grains damage your intestine? Do you know the…

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Your Super Simple Post Workout Meal

Biggest Nutrition Mistake Hockey Players Make… You make good nutrition too difficult and because you make it too difficult you fool yourself into believing that you don’t have time or…

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Read This Before Your Morning Beverage…

When I sat down with my friend and Registered Dietician Lisa Cianfrini, MSc just before Christmas we talked about how to get through the holidays without gaining about 14lbs of…

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Needs More Pumpkin (Breakfast Recipe)

  Where did the all the Pumpkin go? I’m sure most of you had the same reaction a few weeks ago when you marched into your neighbourhood Starbucks and gazed…

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How To Enjoy Holiday Eating Without Sabotaging Your Hockey

Look, we are all going to eat foods over the holidays that we wouldn’t typically eat the other 11-months of the year. I will for sure ding-dong some shortbread cookies…

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A reminder about ‘The Perfect Time’

Are you familiar with the work that Dr. John Berardi and his crew do over at  They are my go-to online source for athlete nutrition (they are like the…

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Why You Don’t Do What You Should + January All-Star

Today I have an article from Precision Nutrition’s Dr. John Berardi that is specifically for those of you who actually have a pretty good idea of what you could do…

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