Why Hockey Goalies Shouldn’t Back Squat

The Back Squat has long been a staple of off-ice hockey training, used by goalies and skaters alike. I know some of you goalies out there LOVE your squats… so…

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EOTW: Leg Burner + Core Stabilizer

EOTW: Leg Burner + Core Stabilizer This is one of those off-ice hockey exercises that has a lot of benefit for goalies, forwards and defensemen. It builds stamina in your…

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EOTW: Reverse X-Over Lunge

I use this hockey strength exercise for goalies and skaters – it is a great Reverse Lunge variation because it puts a nice stretch and load on the posterior lateral…

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15 seconds to keep you low in your legs (this one hurts)…

It drives coaches at every level crazy and even pro players struggle with it. For goalies it makes you a split second slow and for skaters it makes you easier…

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The Best Skating Exercises You Are Not Doing

Before getting into today’s article, I want to express my sympathy to the city of Boston and everyone affected by the bombings at the Boston Marathon yesterday.  I cannot imagine…

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