Why Hockey Goalies Have A Strong Side And A Weaker Side (drills to fix it): GTP TV 52

Welcome back to Goalie Training Pro TV. Got a question for you, do any of you ever get up using the wrong leg? You’re probably using your strong side, aren’t…

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There’s overtraining… and then there is THIS

Off-ice goalie training

It reminded me of a skier that I raced with back in the day.  Her race results weren’t great and she was tired, so she took time off because she…

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#1 Skill Hockey Goalies Need To Learn

In case you missed it, I posted a brand new video for you the other day.  In the video I lay out the #1 skill every hockey goalie needs to…

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Box Jump Silliness

If you are training in a gym or watching training videos on Instagram then READ this for SURE! Here is the Reader’s Digest version if you have a short attention span……

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12/01 Live Q&A – Young Goalie Advice, Glute, Hip & Knee Injuries

Hey guys, switching it up a bit this week with Sarah here (Maria’s other assistant). If you missed out on Maria’s Facebook Live Hockey Goalie Q&A on 12-01-2017, I have…

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11/10 Live Q&A – Off-Ice Training, Youth Programs, Warm-Up, Injury Prevention

Hey gang, Rachel here (Maria’s Super-Awesome Assistant!). If you missed out on Maria’s Facebook Live Hockey Goalie Q&A last Friday, 11/10, fear not! I have the video for you right…

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What to do when you get cut

What’s shaking? So, a bunch of you are in try outs right now, and so, things are shuffling down and teams make promises and then sometimes you end up getting…

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What are the best hockey training shoes?

Hey gang, back at you to talk a little bit about training shoes. I remember when I got my first big strength and conditioning job, I was the Sport Performance…

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Q&A Catch Up

What up – I am here at my Mastermind in San Diego – – which actually brought me a question too, I will tell you about it at the end……

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Not everyone drives a Ferrari

In all things there is good, better, best. What actually makes for good, better, best varies from person to person. For some of you, owning a Ferrari may be your…

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