Why Hockey Goalies Have A Strong Side And A Weaker Side (drills to fix it): GTP TV 52
Welcome back to Goalie Training Pro TV. Got a question for you, do any of you ever get up using the wrong leg? You’re probably using your strong side, aren’t…
There’s overtraining… and then there is THIS
It reminded me of a skier that I raced with back in the day. Her race results weren’t great and she was tired, so she took time off because she…
#1 Skill Hockey Goalies Need To Learn
In case you missed it, I posted a brand new video for you the other day. In the video I lay out the #1 skill every hockey goalie needs to…
Box Jump Silliness
If you are training in a gym or watching training videos on Instagram then READ this for SURE! Here is the Reader’s Digest version if you have a short attention span……
12/01 Live Q&A – Young Goalie Advice, Glute, Hip & Knee Injuries
Hey guys, switching it up a bit this week with Sarah here (Maria’s other assistant). If you missed out on Maria’s Facebook Live Hockey Goalie Q&A on 12-01-2017, I have…
11/10 Live Q&A – Off-Ice Training, Youth Programs, Warm-Up, Injury Prevention
Hey gang, Rachel here (Maria’s Super-Awesome Assistant!). If you missed out on Maria’s Facebook Live Hockey Goalie Q&A last Friday, 11/10, fear not! I have the video for you right…
What to do when you get cut
What’s shaking? So, a bunch of you are in try outs right now, and so, things are shuffling down and teams make promises and then sometimes you end up getting…
What are the best hockey training shoes?
Hey gang, back at you to talk a little bit about training shoes. I remember when I got my first big strength and conditioning job, I was the Sport Performance…
Q&A Catch Up
What up – I am here at my Mastermind in San Diego – – which actually brought me a question too, I will tell you about it at the end……
Not everyone drives a Ferrari
In all things there is good, better, best. What actually makes for good, better, best varies from person to person. For some of you, owning a Ferrari may be your…