Hockey Goalie Hip Mobility: 1/2 Kneeling CARs (not the kind you drive)
I think I will start every single hockey goalie mobility video or article like this from now on… STRETCHING IS NOT ENOUGH. Just stretching can actually increase your risk of…
Goalie Training for Leg Power: Box Hop Ups
Holy wow! Soon you will back on the ice for the season and you are going to think your off-ice training is done and boy are you what I like…
Goalie Training: Should You Flip Tires?
I think it looks so cool to. I totally want to do it and look cool and kick ass like that, I mean seriously… flipping frikkin’ tires! How bad…
Unleash lateral strength and power in net
How’s the week starting off for you? Mine is going great, there is a lot going on at RevCon so it has felt busy, but all good stuff. One of…