Goalie Training | Achieving Your Dreams | GTP TV Ep 57
Welcome back. Today we are going to talk about making a plan, so having a destination, taking action steps to get there, because right now you guys look like a…
04/25 Live Q&A – Splits, Summer Training, & Tight Hips
Hey guys! Sarah here with this weeks live Q&A! If you missed out on Maria’s Facebook Live Hockey Goalie Q&A on 04-25-2019, I have the video for you right here:…
Lava Ball for Hand-Eye | Hockey Goalie Training | GTP TV Ep 55
Getting ready to have some hand-eye fun today in the goalie training lab. I’ve got another toy for you, this one is called the Lava Ball. Maria here from goalietrainingpro.com.…
04/18 Live Q&A – Off Season Training, Self Myofascial Release, & Deadlift Variations
Hey guys! Sarah here with this weeks live Q&A! If you missed out on Maria’s Facebook Live Hockey Goalie Q&A on 04-18-2019, I have the video for you right here:…
04/11 Live Q&A – Running, Tight Shoulders, & Weak Wrists
Hey guys! Sarah here with this weeks live Q&A! If you missed out on Maria’s Facebook Live Hockey Goalie Q&A on 04-11-2019, I have the video for you right here:…
Why Hockey Goalies Have A Strong Side And A Weaker Side (drills to fix it): GTP TV 52
Welcome back to Goalie Training Pro TV. Got a question for you, do any of you ever get up using the wrong leg? You’re probably using your strong side, aren’t…
How goalies train for a strong stable RVH
The RVH is not a good position for your body. Let’s just get that straight right up front. But we are not going to demonize it in anyway. There are…
09/06 Live Q&A – Questions hip drills & what to eat before a game
Hey guys! Sarah here with this weeks live Q&A! If you missed out on Maria’s Facebook Live Hockey Goalie Q&A on 09-06-2018, I have the video for you right here:…
06/14 Live Q&A – Goalie Warmups, Hip Injuries, & Butterfly Slides
Hey guys! Sarah here with this weeks live Q&A! If you missed out on Maria’s Facebook Live Hockey Goalie Q&A on 06-14-2018, I have the video for you right here:…
GTP TV: Ep 17 – How to Add Neural Complexity
Hey, it’s Maria. Welcome to Goalie Training Pro TV, episode 17. Today we’re talking about adding neural complexity to drills. What is that? Just in case, here is the YouTube…