On Ice Cardio Workout For Pro Goalies
An on-ice cardio workout for pro goalies today – in fact you will follow two of my Turning Pro coaching clients as they grind out this on-ice stamina session. These…
Increasing Quickness In The Crease | Hockey Goalie Speed
Increasing quickness in the crease requires hockey goalie speed. Not sprinter speed, not skater speed, but goaltender speed and quickness. This off-ice (off-season) goalie speed workout doesn’t require special gear…
05-14-2020 Live Q&A – “Synthetic Ice…You’ll Like it”
Hey guys, Kevin here with Maria’s Facebook Live Q&A incase you missed it. If you don’t have time to watch the full video, here’s the times we talked about each…
04-30-2020 Live Q&A – PuckBoard vs. Synthetic Ice
Hey guys, Kevin here with Maria’s Facebook Live Q&A incase you missed it. If you don’t have time to watch the full video, here’s the times we talked about each…
04-23-2020 Live Q&A – Look At Adding To Your Knee Stack
Hey guys, Kevin here with Maria’s Facebook Live Q&A incase you missed it. And just a reminder that the is opening up for enrolment next Friday. If you don’t have…
10 Secret Habits Of Pro Goalies: #5 Compound Strength
One secret habit pro goalies use is the power of training for compound strength. That means using multiple joints, multiple muscle groups and multiple planes of movement. Habit #5 –…
10 Secret Habits Of Pro Hockey Goalies -#1 Mobility 🔑
This is part of a 10 part series where I am giving you 10 Secret Habits of Pro Hockey Goalies. I’ll give you a head’s up on some of the…
ICE HOCKEY GOALIES – Stop Every Shot With These 3 Moves
As a hockey goalie, you are NOT going to stop every single shot. #truth #ouch But you can drastically increase your chances by developing the goalie specific stamina and stability…
The BEST Hand-Eye Training Tool I Have Seen Yet (no wall required) | GTP TV Ep 59
Hey, guys. I’m super pumped because in a second my friend Dusan Sidor is going to come out and show me how to use my new Catchball. I ordered a…
05/09 Live Q&A – Tight Knees, Synthetic Ice Training, & Motivation
Hey guys! Sarah here with this weeks live Q&A! If you missed out on Maria’s Facebook Live Hockey Goalie Q&A on 05-09-2019, I have the video for you right here:…