Just Launched! Varsity Goalie Academy: Off-Season Training for Elite High School and College Hockey Goalies

Varsity Goalie Academy for Elite Ice Hockey Goalies

Hey there hockey goalies!  It’s (finally) off-season and you know that means its time for hockey goalies who are ready to level up. The Varsity Goalie Academy is your off-ice…

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Teaser Vaughn SLR4, Hip Injury & Recovery for Adults, Talking Bandy Goalie – Goalie Training Q&A – 02.08.24

Join Maria Mountain in this weekly live Q&A to learn more about hip impingement and recovery for adult goalies, as well as a teaser about the upcoming SLR4 Pads from…

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From College To the Pros | Interview with Jaxson Stauber

Getting DRAFTED to the CHL, NAHL and even NHL is a stepping stone and it is a VERY nice acknowledgement of what you’ve achieved thus far in your career. It…

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