7 Best Gifts For Every Hockey Goalie | 2022

7 Best Gifts For Every Hockey Goalie | 2022

If you have a hockey goalie on your list this holiday season, you are in luck, because here are 7 great gifts that any goalie will love and they range from super cheap to high end, so you can find something to fit your budget.

1) LAX Ball – $4.97

2) Skilz Lightning Bolt – $87.99

3) Pieten’s Art – $59.99 https://pietensart.ca

4) InGoalMag – $49.99/yr https://ingoalmag.com/magazine/

5) SenseArena – $588/year https://www.sensearena.com If you need an Oculus Quest 2 – $699 (includes case) – Sleeves – $99

6) GWGF… the gift that keeps on giving – by application only https://bit.ly/goalieprogram2

7) Pro-Laces – Hybrid $55 https://prolaces.ca


Here’s where you get the FREE program that gives you a 2-5” wider butterfly flare in 14 days or less – OR if you crave a deeper splits, then I have a FREE program for that too –


Want to see how we can work together so you get exactly the off-ice training programs you need? Head over here to learn more –


Don’t forget to say Hi πŸ‘‹ on social: Instagram: http://instagram.com/goalietraining


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