A new upper body workout for hockey goalies. Building lower body strength is key, but as a hockey goaltender your upper body needs to be strong as well and as we go through this goalie specific upper body workout, pay attention to how much work your torso (or your core) is doing.
(warm up) LAX ball on Lats
LAX ball on Pec Minor
(3 SETS)
A) Anti-Rotation Push Up – 3x6ea (2012)
A1) Single Hand Puck handling – 3x60s ea
A2) Wall Slide – 2×6 (5s hold) [*only 2 sets of this]
(3 SETS)
B) DB 3-Way Figure 8s – 3x 5ea (each way – steady)
B1) Wide Row, Pull Apart, W’s – 3x 8ea (2011)
B2) Reach, Roll & Lift – 2x6ea (3s hold) *[only 2 sets of this]
And if you want to see how to fit in your Bench Press or Pull-Ups into this workout, I show you exactly how to do that at the end of the video.
Happy Training,
Coach M
Click on the links below for free resources or to discover how we can work together so you can remove all the guesswork from your off-ice training and follow a proven plan.
Here’s where you get the FREE program that gives you a 2-5” wider butterfly flare in 14 days or less – OR if you crave a deeper splits, then I have a FREE program for that too –
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