Training videos for youth goalies – Goalie Training Q&A – 03.30.2023

Hi Everyone!  It’s Bonnie here from the GTP team, catching you up on Maria’s latest Goalie Training Q&A.  Lots of great topics including information on a couple of exciting events coming up: The Turning Pro Super Camp and the International Hockey Performance Summit. Also tune in for topics like hockey goalie training for youth goalies, adult goalies and off season goalie training.


Here are the highlights and time stamps for the topics!

1:40 – Turning Pro Super Camp – only a couple of spots left – tune in on what to do if you’re interested!

2:25 – Have you always wanted better reaction time?  Check out what Maria has to say on how to improve

6:21 –  Are you in your off-season?  Wondering what to do?  When to start? Make sure to DM Maria on Instagram, not on Facebook

6:52 –  What exercises are available for goalies who are 60+ years of age.  Get some awesome advice from Maria on what you can do!

9:48 – I’m visiting London, can I drop in and see Maria for an evaluation?

11:31 – What kind of youth goalie training do you have available?  Free videos available:

Youth Hockey Goalie At Home Workout | Flexibility, Strength, Agility

Hip & Core Stability Exercises | Young Hockey Goalie

Stretches For Young Hockey Goalies | Hips | Groins

14:36 – How does a competitive adult hockey goalie who has switched from hockey to ringette keep up/improve strength and mobility in the off season?

Game Winning Goalie Formula

Goalie Training Pro YouTube channel

16:33 – Check out information on the International Hockey Performance Summit where Maria will be presenting