The #1 Secret Weapon Every Goalie Needs

hockey goalie training

What uuuuuppppp?

Hey, I have a new video for you motivated hockey goalies today (if you are a lazy one, then just head back over to IG and keep chirping 9 year old goalies 😬) and it is all about the #1 Secret Weapon Every Goalie Needs in order to reach their full potential.

I am telling you straight up that there is not one single NHL or pro hockey goalie who hasn’t used this secret weapon.

I will also tell you that not all of you will be able to use this secret weapon (at least not right now), but it’s okay, just keep watching the video and I will give you some other secret weapons that you CAN use right now that will still help you stop more pucks if you actually do them (I promise).

Here you go…

If, for whatever reason, you cannot get the video to play above just click HERE to watch it on YouTube.

So there is one big secret weapon for you – if you are serious about being your best then this should definitely be in your plans.Β  In the meantime, you can get started on the other mini-secret weapons that will have you stopping more pucks in the next two weeks if you are diligent with them.

If you want a proven step-by-step off-ice training plan to help you maximize your performance on the ice, them you probably also want to get in on the Shutout Academy when it opens for enrolment on December 27th.Β  Go HERE to get on the EARLY BIRD list (and learn exactly what it’s all about) and get 24-hours early access AND get your first month for only $1 >> CLICK HERE for that

Catch you later!

PS – if you are already on the Early Bird list for the Shutout Academy, you will get an email on December 26th giving you the link for early access.Β  Please do not share that link – thank you πŸ™‚