SYNTHETIC ICE For Goalies 🥅: Skating Tiles From HockeyShot Review 2020

SYNTHETIC ICE For Goalies 🥅: Skating Tiles From HockeyShot Review 2020

Is synthetic ice good for goalies?

Are you a hockey goalie wondering about training on synthetic ice?  If so, then here’s a review of the synthetic ice tiles from HockeyShot.

It feels great to get the goalie pads and skates back on and work on some goalie skating drills.

This is only my third time on them, so it isn’t pretty, but it will help you decide if these skating tiles are worth the investment for your at home goalie workouts.

These are the exact ones I am using –…

This post is not sponsored in any way.  I paid for these tiles with my own allowance.

Happy Sliding,

Coach M


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