Bet that subject line got your attention! It was not just a ploy to make you open this either – it was the actual subject of a blog that I follow regularly. I did not read this post because since the blog is written by Tim Ferris, I assumed he was interested in marrying a female Brazilian model. I happen to like boys, so this does not seem like pertinent info for me. Then I thought, well maybe he has lessons for marrying female and/or male Brazilian models, but I don’t really go for guys in speedos so that puts it on the back burner too. Add to that the fact that I am already married to a guy who is a way better catch than any Brazilian underwear model and I had to shut this one down. But it may still interest some of you, so here is my top 10 list of blogs that you may wish to check out:
- – this is the one that will tell you how to catch the eye of a Brazilian model if you are interested in that. it is the blog of Tim Ferris who wrote the book, The Four Hour Workweek. He has lots of interesting ideas and I typically find his posts entertaining, although sometimes they are too long and too philosophical to keep my attention.
- – this is an amazing site if you want to keep your finger on the pulse of the pro goaltending world. It includes features on the different goaltending styles used in the game, Q&A with pro goalies and great contests such as a chance to win a Pro Goalie Mask!
- – Mike is actually a baseball guy – he is a terrific physiotherapist who does an amazing job of explaining how injuries occur and how to safeguard against them. I worked for 5 years as the exercise specialist in a very progressive sport medicine clinic before starting Revolution Conditioning, but I learn something from Mike every single week.
- – This is a hockey training blog – Kevin and I share a passion for training hockey players both online and in person – like me he spends hours everyday in the trenches training athletes. We also share a passion for applying the science of training – but Kevin is much smarter than I am and he must be a way faster reader to because he seems to get through stuff twice as fast as I do. He is a great guy who offers gimmick free training tips. If you only check out one blog from this entire list – make it this one!
- – This is from one of my mentors, Coach Mike Boyle. If you want to learn from a strength coach who has spent more time in the gym and produced more top athletes and top hockey players, then follow Coach Boyle. Mike understands the science, but also has a wonderful common sense approach as well – this can get him in trouble with ‘the establishment’ from time to time, but you will never hear Coach Boyle say, “We do it like this, because this is how we have always done it”.
- – From Kinesiologist Rick Kaselj, an entertaining and informative blog outlining how injuries occur and how to prevent them. Rick brings in many experts to discuss how common exercises or sports may contribute to muscle imbalances which in turn can create injuries. In the next month I will be reviewing one of Rick’s products Muscle Imbalances Revealed which I think will be of particular interest to those of you who train hockey players.
- – I am fairly new to Jeff’s blog, but I am really impressed so far. Jeff is another guy who looks into the science of why we train the way we do. For example this past week he posted a great review of an article looking at the efficacy of different posterior capsule stretching techniques for the shoulder. Jeff’s material is more for those of you looking to gain a better understanding of how the body works from a orthopaedic perspective – a must read if you are a therapist who works with athletes (like a chiro, physio, AT – that kind of therapist – not a psycho therapist -ha ha)
- – This one is from rabid Washington Capitals fan Yanik Silver. Yanik is in the business of teaching people smarter than me how to share their information products via the internet and how to set/achieve goals and how to give back in a big way. Yanik lives a big life – he has a ticket to ride into space on Virgin Galactic whenever that starts taking passengers – but he also gives back in a big way to charities all over the world. If you ever feel like you could be doing more with your time here on earth, read Yanik’s blog and you will see the answer is H#LL yeah!
- – This one is more for trainers like me who have their own studio (or those who aspire to own a studio). Having my own studio is a dream come true, but it is also a tough job often requiring 16-hour days just to pay the rent. My business mentor Bedros Keuilian shows us ways to run a more efficient business so we can stay pumped about training athletes without just becoming a slave to the business. You will get $1000’s of dollars of free business advice just from reading this blog.
Uh oh…that is only NINE blogs…okay I guess number 10 will have to be – but you already know that – you are reading it RIGHT NOW! Hope you found a few sites that help you out.