On Ice GOALIE Warm Up | How To

NEWSFLASH… a goalie’s on-ice warm up is NOT just standing in the net while the skaters rip clappers at your head (or collarbone). I know, it’s shocking and hard to believe 😯. Your on-ice warm up also doesn’t have to take more than 3-5 minutes. Here’s a look at how to get ready when you step on the ice as a goaltender.

Here’s the OFF-ICE Warm-Up I mentioned https://youtu.be/IAZHXfv–KU Doing this is WAY more important for goalies than the on-ice warm up, but doing both is the best.

Happy Warming Up

Coach M


Whenever you are ready there are 4 ways I can help you…

1. Join the Goalie Training Lab 🧪 for FREE by clicking 👉 https://www.facebook.com/groups/goalietraininglab/

2. Subscribe to Goalie Training Pro TV on YouTube 👉

3. Get the FREE goalie specific mobility program that gives your SV% a bump in the next 2-weeks 👉 https://goalie.one/uuwm

4. Step up to the Shutout Academy 👉 https://goalie.one/uuwp