Not-So Ninja Tactics To Become Your Team’s MVP THIS Season.

Okay – here are your Ninja/Jedi Strategies…

For those of you who are dating (or have dated in the past) have you ever gone out with someone who seemed really great the first time you went out – and the second time and even the eighth time you went out, but the NINTH time you went out they burped at the dinner table, were rude to the waiter and made disparaging remarks about your best friend.

You ended up thinking – what did I ever see in this guy or gal?  Like prince charming just turned back into a frog.

Lots of players do the same thing when they make a team.  During try-outs they are all ‘Yes Coach. No Coach. Thank you Coach.’

They make the team, the coach is smitten.  Then the regular season starts and the coach is left with a frog who is more interested in goofing off with his or her buddies than listening to what is being taught at practice.  They consistently finish conditioning drills in the middle of the pack, coasting the last three strides to the line each time.

The coach notices and so do your teammates, your are slowly letting your goodwill, trust and respect dissolve as the season progresses.

Don’t make this mistake – be a good team players because it is the right thing to do.  Be that player who is all heart, here’s how you can show you are that player.

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Ninja Tactics…

  • Be one of the first five guys on the ice
  • Be one of the last five guys off the ice
  • Pick up the pucks at the end of practice
  • Watch the coach when every he or she is talking during practice – pay attention
  • At least once during each game and practice encourage a teammate – build them up, pump their tires
  • Work hard in practice, make the most of your opportunity to get conditioning
  • Stay in the gym following a proper in-season training program – not burning yourself out and letting cortisol build up
  • Stay healthy – drink water, eat properly, get sleep, get good recovery

You already know a lot of those strategies, but most of you ignore them once the season is underway. Don’t let up on being the awesome-sauce for your team once the season starts.

Pick two strategies from the list above that you are going to use for the next two weeks – then move on to the next two.


PS – to help you even more in your quest to become the team MVP, I have given you a pretty nice discount on the GUARANTEED In-Season Hockey Solution HERE. This is the off-ice training program designed specifically for Forwards and D-men to follow during the season. It is how you gain momentum during the season while becoming your team’s MVP =>> Save now using THIS LINK NOW (only until the end of the day Monday though)

In-season hockey training

How to become even more of an asset to your team as the season builds. $AVE now!