You should see the looks I get as I am rolling around the turf area at RevCon these days. The athletes we train are used to it, but there is also a physio who works with us (his name is Brian – or Bri-Guy as I like to call him) and his patients are probably thinking – – “this is why you should just say No to drugs”.
It is fun and I love to keep them guessing
You should see what happens when one of them decides to keep their outside shoes on as they trek through the gym on the way to the restroom… #OhNoYouDidnt
Anyway, this is one of the new flows I came up with for you to check out. Here’s how to do it:
Key Points:
• Remember that slower is better, going quickly makes it easy
• Start with 2-3 steps each way
• Do not force the range of motion, if you cannot get your knee to the floor without forcing it, then do not put your knee to the floor
• Keep your chest up, be smooth
Let me know how you like it – in the comment section below tell me what part of the movement was most challenging for you.