If you are looking for something to add to your Christmas list (or maybe you have a goalie on your list), I have the perfect solution for you. It is Justin Goldman and Mike Valley’s newest book – Embracing The Grind (you can order it from Amazon and you should have it by Christmas)!
Justin and I were on the phone a couple of weeks ago to talk about Step Steel, breathing, Pilates for goalies AND the new book of course. Here is the part of our conversation about the book (just click on the green ‘play’ button below…
If you want to hear the rest of my conversation with Justin, it is over in the Shutout Academy. You can check out the full length interview and all the goalie specific training programs for only $1 (no, that is not a typo, it is only a buck) >> CLICK HERE for instant access.
There, don’t you feel better now that you are one step closer to finishing your Christmas shopping 🙂
Yer welcome.