Hey Gang,
So I was talking to Santa the other day (not saying Santa is my client or that Santa is a goalie – that would go against the trainer/client privilege) and he was telling me that you have all been extra good this year. He asked me if I would help his elves out by making a special Christmas present for you.
Since I am not keen to end up on the naughty list myself I told him I would – no problem! So I am busy in my workshop putting something extra special together for you – keep an eye on your inbox tomorrow for a special email from Santa! That’s all I can say about it right now.
Still time to Win a FREE Training Program
Thank you very much to those of you who have already submitted your testimonials for the opportunity to win a free goalie training program. If you missed the post, here are the details on how you can win – CLICK HERE.
A few of you have emailed to say how you wish you could send a testimonial, but you were only a few weeks into the program, etc. Basically, if you have used any of my training programs or free tips from the blog and it has helped your play on the ice, you can jot down a few sentences to tell me about it and you could win!
Only One Thing Frozen Right Now…
Well, it is the last day of fall and today in London, ON it is 10C and raining – that is not what we are looking for right before Christmas. I want a blizzard, I mean so much snow I have to swim through it to get to work – that is what I want for Christmas! But one thing is frozen and that is the price for the Ultimate Goalie Training 2.0 program.
A few weeks ago I announced that I would be bumping it up to the full price. A few days after that I got an email from a high school goalie who asked if he could still get it for the current discounted rate after Christmas because his Grandma usually gives him some money for Christmas and he wanted to use that toward buying the program.
My Yia Yia used to always give us $20 for Christmas and she would always go to the bank and get the teller to sort through the 20’s to find a crisp, pristine twenty dollar bill. So I can empathize with this goalie. In the spirit of the holiday season I am happy to keep the price down until the New Year and I will give you lots of head’s up before the price goes up.
The last time I mentioned my Yia Yia one of you asked me if I loved the yogurt commercials featuring Yia Yia – I had never seen them so I went straight to YouTube to check it out. Well, now I know what they teach in Greek school because the faces and the hand gestures are exactly the same! This is what I mean….
I hope you think it is funny – it cracks me up every time I see it. Now don’t forget to send in your testimonial for a chance to win a free goalie training program.