More ways to fix your body

A few weeks ago I gave you exercises and a video to help hockey players recover from injury – if you missed it you can get it HERE.  My friend Rick Kaselj – you’ve heard me talk about him before is putting out a new ‘Fix Your Shoulder Pain’ program this week, but as part of his launch he put out a video series of the worst exercises you can do for your shoulder.  One of them is behind the head lat pulldown, which I hope NONE of you actually do anymore – shoulder shredder that one!

But then he had another one that I have not included in my programs for years, but I thought some of you might still do this one since I know a lot of you train at home and this one is simple to do anywhere.  Simple to do but horrible for your shoulder –  I am going to let Rick tell you why you should not do this one – Rick knows his stuff – injury prevention and recovery is his raison d’etre!  Take it away Rick…

So for most of you, just stop doing the things that irritate the daylights out of your shoulders – like the dips that Rick showed you above.

If any of you train players or have clients with shoulder pain, you might want to check out Rick’s new program, it is brand new so he has it on for a deal for the next few days I think.  Now, just to keep everything above board – this IS my affiliate link, so Rick does give me $25 or so if you buy it using my link, but you know that it is not worth $25 to me to suggest something that is not going to help you. Just want to let you know what’s out there.

Just Click the Image Below or HERE to learn more – wanna try a free fix first – then do the stuff I told you to do in the post from a few weeks ago.
