Before I get to the post for today I want to give you a head’s up that I am looking for a few more dream clients to work with in my private online coaching program. I have all the details at the bottom of this article (and two special bonuses) for those of you who are ready to ‘Turn Pro’.
Okay – here’s what I have for you today…
I was over answering your questions in the private Shutout Lounge and I came across one that comes up over and over again.
It’s goes something like this…
“I worked out twice this week, but my game on Wednesday wasn’t very good. What am I doing wrong?”
The answer, of course, is nothing.
Doing your workouts and improving your performance are not the same as having a headache and taking an acetaminophen.
If you have a headache and take an acetaminophen, then your headache will usually go away within a few minutes right? (I mean typically – not a migraine or something like that)
That is a direct relationship.
With training the trend is direct, but just because you workout on Monday, it doesn’t mean your game on Tuesday (or Monday night) will be lights out.
In fact, you might be a little tired or a little stiff after your workout – especially if you are just starting a new workout and that is okay too.
When you are consistent, you will see you SV% trending up and your GAA trending down. You will notice that you feel better on the ice, that your legs feel stronger longer; you are not gassed by the end of the second.
Will you still have stinker games?
Unfortunately ‘Yes’ – even the pros do that, but day-to-day and week-to-week you are getting better and better.
PS – I am looking for a few more DREAM CLIENTS – the time is now for those of you looking for private online coaching from me (which also includes 3 days of live training with me at RevCon this summer for FREE – and another special bonus). So if you want to be sending me a message like this within the next year….
….then click here ☺