What-up?? Did you get your hockey training in this weekend? How’s your day going so far? Paul and I have been enjoying our weekend at home – we hit the two markets in town and Costco in the morning and then cleaned out or ‘container’ cupboard.
Restoring Harmony…
Do you guys have a ‘container’ cupboard? It is where we put all of our tupperware containers and water bottles, etc. It is kind of like that game Jenga – where if you pull out the wrong container, they all spill out on to the floor. Do you know what I mean or is this unique to our house?
Anyway, I bought a nice set of glass storage containers and we ditched a ton of water bottles and now it is harmonious.
After that we did out taxes for our condo at Blue Mountain since we also use that as an investment property. Taxes are never fun, but it is great to have that wrapped up.
OHL Drafted…
Congratulations to Team RevCon member Justin Murray on getting drafted into the OHL. Looking forward to working hard with him over the next 5-months so he can make an impact come training camp. With the draft in our recent past, I thought today would be the perfect day to share an interview I did with Nick Olynyk from JuniorHockeyTruth.com.
If you cannot see the video in the player, just click here
Nick lived the up and down of the Junior hockey life so he is the perfect guy to fill in some of the gaps. His mission is to help parents and players understand what to expect, both good and bad, so you can go in with your eyes open and make the decisions that are best for you.
Listen or watch the interview to discover…
- What the education package really means
- What to do if you don’t get drafted
- The biggest difference between minor and junior hockey
- The differences between Canadian and Junior hockey
- How not to get over-looked if you are playing in the US
- What to do if you are ‘stuck’ in AA
It was great talking with Nick – I will definitely use him as a resource in the future. He has some free audios and an email newsletter if you are interested – you can get that at www.JuniorHockeyBook.com
Have an awesome day!