How Hockey Goalies Snap Their Hips Around For Lateral Crease Movement


This one comes from our on-ice session with Future Pro’s Jason VanSpronsen and the Sarnia Sting’s Justin Fazio. I asked Jason for some of the most common goaltending flaws that he sees on the ice and this was a big one!

Leaving the hips behind…

As Jason explains below, too many of you lead with your head and shoulders, but fail to snap the hips around underneath. Not only does this affect your speed and balance, you are also arriving at your destination without being square to the play.

Don’t worry, you can work on this with your goalie coach when you are on the ice (maybe you don’t even do it) and you can try the two off-ice goalie exercises I have for you in the video below…

If you cannot see the video above, click here

How Many?

For the Kneeling Med Ball Rotary Pass, you will do 3-4 sets of 8 reps on each side, but remember you are using a relatively light med ball to get started and it is a small range of motion. Speed is the key.

For the Tall Kneeling Hip Rotation, do 3 sets of 6-8 reps each way. Remember to stay tall in your torso and simply rotate your hips under your shoulders. Make sure your knees are well cushioned and that you have a surface that will allow you to slide.

Happy Training!


PS – more goalie specific training for all beer leaguers and future pros HERE