Top goalie coach Steve McKichan talks pitfalls that stop your progress.

I was lucky enough to catch up with top goaltending coach Steve McKichan of Future Pro Goalie Schools last Friday to learn about the common pitfalls that hinder a goalie’s development.  He tells us the top three mistakes and I bet you all make at least one of them.  But don’t worry, Steve was also kind enough to tell us how to correct them and what to do to become an even better goalie.

Steve also lets us in on the launch of his new upgraded membership site FutureProLive which is coming in early November – so keep an eye out for that!  If you want access to Steve and his team of hand picked goaltending experts – this is the place to be (I don’t get any $$ from recommending Steve’s site, he let me take a look around and it just looks like a great value to me).

Okay, so now I am going to let you eavesdrop in my conversation with Steve – just click on the player below.
