The lost video & 5 definitive exercises for every goalie training program

After the mud run – woohoo!

Hope you had a great weekend – Paul and I were up to Blue Mountain (a ski resort in Collingwood, ON) for the Met Con Blue Adventure Race.  It rained all day on Friday, so the cross country course was a mud pit – it was crazy fun.  Basically it was a 5km run (66% uphill) with 13 obstacles like – climbing an 8 foot wall, monkey bars over a water pit, jumping over a fire, a big slip and slide into a mud pit, etc.  It was pretty tiring, but loads of fun.

Before I give you the 5 definitive exercises for every goalie training program, I see that when I switched servers, the post that went with the sample off-season workout video was lost, so here is the video anyway….

The 5 Definitive Exercises for Every Goalie Training Program

Quick one here gang – just wanted to give you the 5-exercises you should be doing at least three times per week for your goalie training.  For the flexibility drills do each one for 30 seconds.  For the strength exercises do 8-12 reps on each side.  Happy training!


Updated for May 2015!! UGT 3.0 - the pro-style off-season training program for goalies.  SAVE $131 today.

Updated for May 2015!! UGT 3.0 – the pro-style off-season training program for goalies.