Thanks so much for all of your great comments after the last post – as promised, I found a couple of minutes yesterday to shoot a video showing a slideboard circuit for goalies. Quite a few of you have slideboards, but use them for striding or don’t use them very much. I put this circuit together for you to use – give it a try- it is tough!
My suggestion is to start with 30s of each movement – then I would build up to 45s. I would not go beyond 45 seconds because I think you would be losing too much quality from fatigue. Running through 4 sets of 30s circuits will be a great conditioning exercise. Let’s face it, we don’t all have an hour or hour and a half to train, some of us need to get in a quick workout and then take care of business!
Don’t get frustrated when you are doing the knee recoveries on the board – you will go sliding off the board from time to time – just practice and learn to deal with it! Enjoy the goalie slideboard circuit gang and thank you again for all your comments last time – you are what make this site tick and your comments keep me motivated to produce the best content I can!
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