Off-Ice Goalie Drill for Crease Backside Recovery

I have a new off-ice goalie drill for you today – yes, you do get to wear your knee pads and hockey socks around for this one.  My goal with this dryland drill was to help you with your backside recovery, to help you maintain level shoulders as you move laterally and to provide an off-ice goalie drill that would help you transition from your butterfly back up to the ready position.  I hope those elements come across in the drill.

Now here is my disclaimer…you guys know I am a strength and conditioning coach, not a technical goalie coach, so I have give you a few very basic cues, but apply the techniques that your goalie coach emphasizes on the ice.  Maintain your glove and blocker position the way you should do it on the ice – not the way I do it in the video.

This drill should be used to work on quick recoveries and quick force application once you get the pattern.  You will do this drill for 10 seconds or less allowing 50 seconds of rest between intervals and completing no more than 8-10 repetitions.  During your 50 second rest interval you can work on hand eye coordination or some of your core drills.  Enjoy!

Off-Ice Goalie Drill for Crease Movement

So there is a new off-ice goalie drill you can add to your toolbox – happy training!
