Well, technically it is NOT a baby, but it has kept me up nights, I do have high hopes that you kids in the playground will like it, that it will help improve the lives (well save percentage anyway) of thousands! So you can now appreciate how it is very similar!
Tell me, do you think a dryland goalie training program that you can complete twice per week with no workout lasting longer than 40-minutes could help you be the goalie you want to be? Could it help you move toward the goalie you want to be? Would it be better than what you are doing now – nothing? Would it be better than what you are doing now – going to the gym and working out on machines?
Here is the rundown of the new Rapid Response Goalie Training system. It is a direct response to the question I posed to the readers of this blog back in the summer; a strong desire for a quick workout that could be done at home with minimal specialized equipment that would improve the on-ice performance of goalies.
When I created the Ultimate Goalie Training System I kind of thought this is what I had created, but I think I created a product for hockey goalies training to play junior or professionally. It is very comprehensive and requires quite a time commitment. What I heard from you was that you needed something that could fit into your busy life where hockey was not the centre of your universe, but it was still a really important part of your solar system (I have been watching too many of Paul’s science shows on Discovery Channel lately).
Here is what I did – I cut out every single thing that was redundant, I combined movements – if I could train two movements with one exercise then that is the one I chose. By picking only the essentials and some additional exercises that could do double duty – training stability and strength for example I managed to chop it down to a program with no workout taking longer than 40-minutes to complete (and some only take about 20-minutes).
Then I created two workout schedules, one where you will train only twice per week and one where you will train 3/4 times per week. As always I have included a manual telling you why you are doing what you are doing, videos showing you exactly how to do the exercises and lots of other cool features that I will tell you about later.
If you have not already visited THIS LINK to download your free copy of the Ultimate 12-Minute Warm-Up for Goalies (I sell this product for $37), you should do so now because only the goalies who register through the download page will get in on the “Front of the Line” early bird release and special deals – like being on the VIP list! Not even the loyal readers of this blog will get the VIP treatment, just the ones who download the Ultimate 12-Minute Warm Up for Goalies.
Just putting the final touches on it – I will keep you posted on how it is going. My goal is an early release for Front of the Line members only sometime soon and the full release on Tuesday, November 16th!
Also, I wanted to let you listen in on an interview I did with Rick Kaselj of www.exercisesforinjuries.com. We spoke on the phone last week about how muscle imbalances can contribute to injuries in hockey skaters and goalies. If you are a trainer who works with hockey players it is definitely worth a listen. You may also want to check out www.muscleimbalancesrevealed.com – I bought it and got a few great pearls in particular from Mike Robertson’s presentation. Anyway, check it out if you wish.