I have a really quick post for you today, Paul and I were in Vegas for the weekend and the only flight available coming home was the ol’ red eye! Boy – now I know why they call it the ‘red eye’. Our plane landed in Detroit at 5am yesterday, then we (and by ‘we’ I mean Paul) had a 3 hour drive home before a quick nap and my afternoon/evening groups in the gym. Whew! The photo on the right is the new City Center in Las Vegas – we stayed at a place called Aria which was beautiful. It is toward the back of the complex in the photo, not the crooked buildings in the front – don’t know how I would like staying in one of those!
Now, just in case you are worried, I was not in Vegas to wager the Revolution studio on ‘red’…I was there for my Mastermind Group meeting that is hosted by Bedros Keuilian and Craig Ballantyne who help our group of fitness professionals to run more efficient studios and online businesses. I learned so much and it is going to really change the way I do things both in the gym and here in my online community. Stay tuned I think you are going to be blown away when I let you know what I have in mind.
On that note, thanks to everyone who participated in the skaters vs. goalies poll. I was really surprised with how close it was – I honestly thought the goalies would completely run away with it. A couple of you said – ‘Hey, why don’t you just do a product for each of us?’ Well I guess the short answer would be – ‘hey man, that would take twice the time’, but you know what, I think it is a great idea, so I think that is what I am going to do!
Finally, when I was in Vegas I caught up with my friend Rick Kaselj of www.exercisesforinjuries.com (he really is my friend – I’m not just pulling the internet line on you saying that he is my friend yet I have never met him kind of thing) and we were talking about plantar fascitis which is an irritation of the connective tissue on the bottom of your foot (I will do a post about it later) and I got to asking him his opinion of custom footbed for skates – lots of you might already be in custom molded skates already – over the counter inserts and finally custom orthotics. Keep in mind we did not take the time to go over some of the exercise interventions you can use to relieve foot pain, I was just asking him specifically about foot beds for skates.
So if you are having foot pain, your first step is to get it assessed, find out why you are getting the pain. It may have nothing to do with your foot at all. Then you will likely be given some specific exercises and finally you may need an insert for your skate or a custom orthotic as a last resort. Check out the video below to see our quick conversation…
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