GTP TV Episode 23: Don’t You DARE Do This

Hey gang! Welcome to Goalie Training Pro TV, episode 23. The show was on hiatus for the last couple weeks, because Maria was in an airplane. (And Sarah can’t come with me in the airplane and film these so, we’re on hiatus.) But we’re back now… there might be a few hiatusi– Is that the plural or hiatus? Hiatus-s-s.


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Today’s episode is called, Don’t You Dare Try This. And– Lemme say that serious cause I don’t think it was serious enough.

Don’t you DARE try this.

That was much better. And the this is build strength on a dysfunction.

So, I spent a lot of time in the gym just playing with plates and building blocks, but today I’m gonna use them to show you a little example of what happens when you do that.

So, let’s say you’re a stack of plates. And you are strong and you’re just a strong, beautiful goalie and a strong, beautiful human being. And then let’s say you tweak your groin. So, now you’re a little bit funky. You’re still a beautiful person, but you got a little funk going on. And you don’t have time to get it looked after because it happened in the season and then you had games and then you didn’t want the coach to know that you had a sore groin because then he’d play the other guy, and what if the other guy was awesome? And then he got to play all the games, and then you didn’t get to play the games.

You know how it goes.

So, you took it easy a bit. You kinda lighten things up. You didn’t go too nuts. Actually wasn’t feeling too bad, was kinda getting better and better. You’re back almost doing all your regular stuff, it’s feeling pretty good.

So then you’re getting stronger.

And oh yeah, that feels fine. No problem. No problem. So I’m gonna do a little more. No problem.

And then, it all comes crumbling down.

So, what just happened there? It is a really good illustration because it shows… You know, it shows that you can all still be really, really, strong and good, and you just have something that’s a little out of whack, so it does slow you down a little bit, and you have to go a bit easier, but then you build that up then so it can take it.

So you get feeling, actually, pretty strong again. Strong enough to start doing your squats and those kinds of things.

What that shows is, it’s is just building you up to get a worse injury. So, instead of it being a failure at a small amount of injury, well now you’ve built it up so it’s a failure at a bigger overload, which is going to be a worse injury down the road.

So even though it feels fine, there’s still that weak link and eventually, it’s going to come around and bite you in the ass – HARD. And nobody likes getting bit in the ass. Well, I don’t know. There probably are some people, but not me. Nobody in this room likes getting bit in the ass, let’s just say that. Speaking on behalf of myself and I’m assuming Sarah, nobody likes it.

So, it really goes for any dysfunction. If you have a funky hip that sometimes hurts, but the next day it feels fine. You sprained your ankle and it still does quite flex right, but it doesn’t hurt. Or your back seizes up just for no reason. You get just one hip flexor that all of a sudden feels sore, or tight, like anything.

Those are all signs of a dysfunction and really, I think the way we use … We call them Physiotherapists in Canada, I think you call them Physical Therapists in the States. We use them all wrong. It’s like, would you wait until your tooth is just like, “oh! So painful!” before you go to see the dentist?

No. You go in so that stuff doesn’t happen. Right? So that’s how you should think of the physical therapist. You go in to get a check, and you don’t have to go in every week and be obsessive about it, but if you’re a goalie, we do some pretty wacky things, things that our hips and our pelvis aren’t designed to do.

I tell you every time, we can so easily get our pelvis our of alignment, which this is like … Like, we’re pretty much all constantly a little bit dinky in the pelvis. So, we should be going in.

We have the world’s best physiotherapist right here. You can get him to see you, he’s very, very, busy, cause he’s seeing me, but I try to see him at least every two weeks. When I don’t, I tend to get into trouble. So, you should really think of that too. Just make sure that you’re keeping the building blocks aligned.

No matter what, you’re gonna get out, but if you can keep on top of that and learn some strategies and then do the right training too and learn some strategies to keep yourself together.

And sometimes we’ll have guys going to the doctor. They have a sore knee or something, and then they’ll be like, well, the doctor said it’s growing pains. And it could very well be, but you wanna make sure there isn’t something else going on.

So, lets talk about a little hint. So, if you’re lacking ankle dorsiflexion. A lot of people when they sprain their ankle they lose some of that ankle dorsiflexion. Well, when that happens, what you’ll do without even realizing it, is you’ll turn your foot out a little bit. And actually, we had a question on live Q&A today that was exactly that. And so, when you walk, your foot is a little bit turned out. And you don’t even notice it because that lets me kinda feel like I’m getting the dorsiflexion and still roll over my foot. Like, I lack range, so it’s a way I can cheat.

That’s gonna put stress on the medial side of my knee. It’s gonna put stress on my hip joint, and then, again, anything that effects my hip joint can also effect my back.

If you have stiff hips, because you’re not stretching them or because there’s been an injury, you’re probably going to overusing your back a lot to do more of your motions.

Shoulder tendinosis, so if you have discomfort lifting your shoulder or you’ve had discomfort lifting your shoulder in the past or some kinda shoulder injury where you haven’t regained full functional range of motion, you’re probably gonna do something which again puts extra stress on your back because your shoulders aren’t working properly.

If you had a bowed back pain, maybe had a facet joint irritation, something like that, so you learn to really brace your body and move like a robot, and everything just move together so there isn’t any torque or twisting on your spine, then those stabilizers and the dynamic stabilizers, they lose strength. They lose stamina. And they lose their smarts.

Then you get in a situation where your big muscles are just locking everything down and those small muscles that keep you loosey-goosey and let you move and see who’s behind the net, they kinda get shut down. So you need to restore those patterns.

Cause, again, if you just start adding strength to a dysfunctional pattern, eventually you’re gonna move on the ice or do something where you need a smart, strong, stamina-based stabilizer and it’s not gonna be there, and then you’re gonna be a little bit of hurt.

And again, you’ll be like, Ah! I don’t even know what happened! I just went to make a save, or a went to do this, and my back went out on me.

Well, a lot of times it isn’t just a random chance. Just because it hasn’t failed yet doesn’t mean it won’t. So again, people are like, oh no, it’s always like that. It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine.

It’s fine until it’s not fine, so get it looked after.

Yeah, I think that’s it. You know, and it can be a little thing but the more you add strength to it, the worse it gets. I’m sure when … I don’t think they build it this way, I don’t know if they built it this way, but the Leaning Tower of Pisa, I’m sure when it was just one story it was like, huh, that’s not bad. But then they get it built up to it’s height and it’s like, oh yeah, that’s pretty bad. That’s a lot of strain.

It’s kinda like Jenga, you know? The taller it gets, the more it’s unstable.

So, your job number one in your off-season is to move properly through all of your joints. Be able to move and be able to stabilize, then we worry about building strength.

So, if you had an injury during the season that you didn’t have time to look after, even though it’s feeling better now and it’s not painful to you, please go get it looked at just to make sure, because if I have a sore knee that’s gonna impact how I use my ankle and how I use my hip. If it impacts how I use my hip, it’s gonna impact how I use my back, and so on all the way up the chain.

I remember when I worked at Fowler Kennedy Clinic, we had a guy that had a shoulder dysfunction that, I’m pretty sure, was on the opposite side that the physiotherapy finally, and it took a while, traced back to an ankle sprain he’d had like four years before that he never really looked after and it changed his patterns and his mechanics and then, as a result, he had a shoulder injury.

So, make sure you move properly. Look after any underlying things, even if they feel better now. Or just, oh yeah, my back is always super, super, tight. Well, it shouldn’t be.

So, that’s the scoop. That is Goalie Training Program TV, episode number 23. Don’t you DARE.