Goalie Training | Off-Season Goalie Specific Cardio Workout

Here’s your detailed off-season goalie specific cardio workout that will give you the cardiovascular fitness and the muscular endurance you need to stay with the play and move with power and precision, even when your legs feel like they are melting off. If your team ever has trouble clearing the puck on the PK… this one is for YOU!

You will curse me while you are doing it, but you will thank me when you are the difference maker in the championship game.

SuperSet #1 (2 sets)

A1. 300 yr Shuttle Run

A2. Post Hold – 30s each side

REST – 2 Minutes (3 Min rest before moving onto SuperSet #2)

SuperSet #2 (2 sets)

B1. Low Lateral Shuffle – 40 seconds

B2. RVH Iso Hold – 20s each

B3. Cycle Splits Squat – 2 each

REST – 3 Minutes

SuperSet #3 (2 sets)

C1. Quick Step Lateral Hop – 15s each way

C2. Knee Down Skate Bound – 30 seconds

REST – 3 minutes


Goodluck with this one 😉

Coach M


Here’s where you get the FREE program that gives you a 2-5” wider butterfly flare in 14 days or less – OR if you crave a deeper splits, then I have a FREE program for that too –


Want to see how we can work together so you get exactly the off-ice training programs you need? Head over here to learn more –


Don’t forget to say Hi 👋 on social: Instagram: http://instagram.com/goalietraining
