From Player To Goalie Coach With Michael Garman

You know I love to interrogate coaches.

I get out my bright light and shine it right in their eyes.

I strap a heart rate monitor on them – it isn’t attached to anything, but I have beeping noises in the background that makes them nervous.

You know, the usual.

Well this time my interrogation skills were set on Michael Garman who has followed a path many of you would envy. He went from playing in his Colorado hometown to moving away for better competition, to playing NCAA hockey (you will want to hear who his goalie partner was at university), to playing pro and now to coaching the next generation of goalies.

There is a lot of great information packed into this short interview, but the thing that stood out to me the most is how much Michael just wants to help goalies become better.

Because when you are playing well, the game is more fun and that it the biggest benefit any of us will ever get out of strapping on the pads.

So let’s listen in as I get Michael to spill the beans on how he navigated his way through a successful hockey career and what mistakes he made along the way (this is a must listen for parents of younger goalies).

Listen as he shared the key ingredients goalies must develop at each stage – as kids, teenagers and young adults.

You can listen in and even download it to listen to later RIGHT HERE. Oh yeah, it is free and you don’t even need to opt-in.
