Do your wrists hurt when you front squat?

What’s up today gang?  Paul and I are going to be hitting the slopes in an hour and a half, so I am pumped.  We are going to be skiing today, so there with will not likely be any slope side freak outs like my snowboarding story from last week.  I will let you know how it goes.

Today, I wanted to give you a couple strategies to reduce your wrist pain when you front squat.  The first video is a way to relieve your wrist discomfort in between sets from my Mastermind buddy Rick Kaselj (to me he looks like an evil version of my favourite travel writer Rick Steves – maybe it is just me) and the second video is from Kelly Starrett of Mobility Workout of the Day.  He is a smart guy (we even forgive him for being a Cross Fitter – that’s how smart he is :))

So there are a couple videos that will help decrease your wrist pain with front squatting both temporarily AND permanently.  My friend Rick has a “Fix Your Wrist Pain” program that he is promoting right now at a discount (I think until the end of the day Saturday, February 2nd), so if you want to learn more about that – CLICK HEREthis is my affiliate link, so if you decide to buy the program, I do get a commission. I am not posting the link to earn commission – I get asked to promote several programs on a weekly basis.  I am not really ‘promoting’ this for you, just letting you know it is out there if wrist pain is something giving you trouble.  Is up to you if you buy it or not, I am just letting you know the scoop.

Okay gang – breakfast and then off to the slopes!