DBM7| How Do Hockey Goalies Get Neutral Pelvis


Hockey goalies are going to hear a lot more about “Neutral Pelvis” in the years to come.   So you might as well get better acquainted with it now!

It’s a pretty simple concept really, but like any new HOT 🔥 concept -puck tracking, RVH and active hands – it will get overblown and over-emphasized before everyone realizes that it is just another tool for your tool box to use when you need it.⁠


It is an important tool that lets goalies move more efficiently on the ice.  BIG PICTURE…that means a better SV% and fewer injuries.  Kind of important isn’t it? 😉

Keep That Pelvis In Line,

Coach M


1. Get my FREE mobility program bump your save % in just 2 weeks by clicking here 

Learn how you can have a 2-5” wider butterfly flare to keep more pucks out of your net in just 2 weeks. Discover how tight hips work against you, and how having looser hips will make getting into and out of the RVH easier for you. Workouts take less than 10-minutes per day.

2. Check out my YouTube Channel, “GoalieTrainingProTV” by clicking here

Join over 20k subscribers who get my weekly science-based off-ice goalie training techniques and strategies. It’s where goalies go to get off-ice training that works.

3.Get STRATEGIC about your mobility training here

Take a pro approach to your mobility training with this advanced mobility course that leads you through three phases of transformation.  If better mobility could make a difference in your game, then this is the place to start.

4.Find out about our Shutout Academy by clicking here

Access step-by-step goalie specific training blueprints that transform your mobility, strength, speed, stamina and stability. Stop more pucks and frustrate more shooters than ever before! This is how Jr, Beer League and Pro goalies all over the world get training that translates directly onto the ice.