At some point every hockey goalie will have hip discomfort, but how do you know if that stiffness or discomfort is hip impingement or FAI? What does it mean if your butterfly is getting narrower? Is that hip impingement?
If you are having hip pain or chronic stiffness, you should always get it assessed by a good sport physiotherapist, but this video will help hockey goalies understand the signs and symptoms of hip impingement or FAI.
In LESSON 1 of the Dynamic Butterfly Mastery course I reviewed the bony anatomy of the hip joint – if you haven’t see that yet, then you can watch it here 👉 https://youtu.be/PjTEoBajgdk
Lets keep you on the ice moving the way you need to move by taking a proactive approach to hip pain and hip impingement.
Happy Hips, Happy Goalie!
Coach M
1. Get my FREE mobility program bump your save % in just 2 weeks by clicking here
Learn how you can have a 2-5” wider butterfly flare to keep more pucks out of your net in just 2 weeks. Discover how tight hips work against you, and how having looser hips will make getting into and out of the RVH easier for you. Workouts take less than 10-minutes per day.
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Take a pro approach to your mobility training with this advanced mobility course that leads you through three phases of transformation. If better mobility could make a difference in your game, then this is the place to start.
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