Common Mistake With Your Butterfly Shimmy

Howdy! We are heading back on the ice with Jason VanSpronsen and Justin Fazio for this one, where Jason shares one of the most common mistakes he sees on the ice – you might do this.

So let’s have Jason and Justin show you what happens and how it affects what the shooter has to work with. Then I will give you the exercises we use in the gym to help with that (we call the first one “Criss Cross Apple Sauce”)

If you cannot see the video above, click here

Chose one of these to do in your lower body workouts, don’t do all three the same day, it will be too much.

Here’s how many sets and reps to do…

  • Criss Cross Apple Sauce – do 3 sets of 12
  • Tall Kneeling Hip IR – do 2-3 sets of 8 – hold 2-3 seconds
  • Shimmy – do 2-3 sets of 10 pushes total each way

Happy training!


Updated for May 2015!! UGT 3.0 - the pro-style off-season training program for goalies. SAVE $131 today.

Updated for May 2015!! UGT 3.0 – the pro-style off-season training program for goalies. SAVE $131 today.