08-08-2019 Live Q&A – Injuries, Training Programs & General Tips

Hey guys! Sky is here with this week’s live Q&A! If you missed out on Maria’s Facebook Live Hockey Goalie Q&A on 8th of August I have the video for you right here:


And in case you don’t have time to watch the whole video, below are the topics discussed along with where you can find them in the video:

Intro | 00:00 – 01:55

Have you ever heard of any kind of extra strap on, padding that cover the sides of a goalie’s ankles? In June I fractures the talus in my left ankle. Now I’m researching possible options to add more protection for the sides my ankles.

What is concerning me is possibly taking a shot off my left ankle. Now I can honestly say I have never been hit there in all my years of playing, but now I have this “what if” thought running through my mind | 01:55 – 04:45

Just wondering what are some good training programs I could do for moving better in net and help with my back. Only started playing goalie in ice hockey last December | 04:45 – 07:29

As far as strength and goalie specific training go, would it make sense to put a heavy resistance band around your knees, spread the legs out to shoulder width or a little further, and then work on double hip rotations as if you’re going into your Butterfly? Thanks! | 09:20 – 13:05

What can I do to make mobility the same as my left hip as is my right hip which is more mobile? | 13:05 – 15:05

Are you currently taking new clients for your Turning Pro Coaching Program? | 15:17 – 16:05

Your post about using medicine balls on ice was interesting. So much so, that it helps solidify my point that they are not an effective training tool. Would love your feedback |16:33 – 18:28

Unfortunately my season ended by with an injury to my Achilles. Just sending a message to see if you have any tips for returning from an injury and what kind of things I can do to strengthen that leg that was injured, I’m doing everything that Dr’s appointed to do so I could join my team by November | 19:02 – 21:42

My son is 14yo, he’s got problems with his hips, I think it hurts in the back of his leg, behind the knee | 21:42 – 22:57

Your Back Up To Beast program has been working great. My hip flexors are still tight, so are there other stretches that could help loosen it up | 22:57 – 24:38

My son is 14yo, he’s getting ready for the first year of AAA, he’s doing Back Up To Beast, he signed up for the Early Bird to ShutOut Academy and doing your exercises. I think he should be doing more strength exercises to get stronger and faster | 24:40 – 28:40

What are good ice-off stretches for goalies? | 28:48 – 28:57

Do you believe that all white pads look bigger than shooters? | 29:06 – 30:14

I need to work on my cardio, hopefully a good cardio schedule will help me to feel less fatigue at the end of the game, maybe it will help me to drop a few pound too | 30:14 – 32:12

In terms of Butterfly Challenge: is it OK to go longer than 14 day time line, I only wonder because I’m feeling great results on the ice and I want to keep having more loose hips and better movement | 32:12 – 34:00

My friend has a CCM 3.5 catcher and it’s not breaking in | 34:04 – 37:06

Outro | 37:06 – 41:15

Hope you enjoy! Happy training! – Sky