07-07-22 Live Q&A – “Ski Wax On Goalie Pads For Better Slide?”

Hey guys, Kevin here with Maria’s Facebook Live Q&A incase you missed it.

If you don’t have time to watch the full video, here’s the times we talked about each specific topic below:

1:45 – What ski wax does Maria use on her pads?

5:50 – What training program do you recommend for a 13 year old goalie? (puckbattledomination.com)

7:00 – Once you stop doing your mobility program?  How quick will it take to get your mobility back?

9:00 – is working our 5 times a week too much?

12:30 – How does a goalie work with Maria?

Thanks for tuning in to hear all of Maria’s great advice! 
