Workouts hockey coaches can use for off-ice training.

Can you feel it? The excitement? Many of you are already back into your hockey season and even the NHL players will be back on the ice next weekend for the start of their camps. Although I have not done any face-to-face team training for a few years because my schedule at the Revolution studio keeps me pretty busy, I still get calls and emails from hockey coaches who are trying to help their players develop over the season. I think this is great! They want to invest in their players’ development and back when I was still working off-site with teams I charged $150/hour.

Here is the thing that many coaches don’t understand and I will probably get a few nasty emails from other trainers for telling you this, but most young players (under 16 years of age) just need the basics. They need to be stronger, they need to be quicker, they need to be more stable. Anyone can teach this. You get better return for your players by taking your players through a 30-minute workout 2-3 times per week than you will from paying me $150 to come out once per week or twice per week.

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A simple exercise for hockey goalies to train their ready position.

This post is a reply to a question from a thread on off-ice goalie training that I started over at – a goalie mentioned that his legs get burning when he is holding his ready position for extended periods of time. So here is a great ‘functional isometric’ exercise that will build the muscular endurance that you need in your legs and hips while still keeping you explosive and reactive.

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The 7 Deadly Sins of Off-Ice Training

Today I want to share with you the 7 Deadly Sins of Off-Ice Training, well maybe they aren’t deadly, but don’t do them anyway. So without further delay, here they are:

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Any goalies want a wider butterfly flare?

One of my friends over at put forth an idea to have a friendly challenge to see who can widen their butterfly flare the most over the next six weeks or so. I offered to create a program to help goalies increase their butterfly flare.

So I created this little workout that will only take 10-15 minutes to complete (click the link for the PDF):

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Part 2 – London, Ontario pro off-ice hockey training

Here it is …part two of the video showing you the exact off-ice workout that some of the pro hockey players went through at my Revolution Conditioning studio in London, Ontario. This one gets into the new meta-circuits I am using to train the hockey players this off-season.

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Pro Hockey Off Ice Workout – part 1

As promised here is video of a complete off-ice workout I took some of my pro hockey players through earlier this month. It took longer than I thought so I have split it into two videos – I will finish editing the rest of the video and post it early next week. For now check out part on of the pro hockey training off-ice workout.

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Build balance and strong legs for hockey.

Later this week I will share one of the exact workouts I used for training my pro hockey players this summer. I have been really working on being efficient with our time in the gym. My goal is to give them maximum benefit with minimal time. Anything we do has to help make them a better performer on the ice or reduce their risk of injury. All of the ‘fluff’ has been cut out. If you are spending 2 hours on your weight training, then you do not know what you are trying to train – you are just putting in time and hoping that some of the exercises you are doing will make you better.

Today I am sharing one of the exercises that does just what I have described above. It builds strong powerful legs for skating with the requirement for a rapid push and it improves your balance which will not only make you stronger on your skates, it will also train your ankle, knee and hip stabilizers to help reduce your risk of injury. Check it out in the video.

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New off-ice strength concept for hockey players.

How is the week going so far gang. August already – wow! I know we are getting close to training camp when the pro hockey players I train in London, Ontario head back to the ice for their regular pro-skates with other top players in the area. All of the players training at Revolution this summer are doing an amazing job, so I am in the unfamiliar situation of feeling like we have more than enough time to get them all ready for the season. A great feeling to have.

Today I am going to show you a technique that I am just starting to work with – it is so new that I have not even used it with yet with the hockey players – strictly experimental at this stage.

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A simple way for goalies to build strong, flexible hips.

Here is one of the simplest exercises I can think of to help goalies build strong and flexible hips. All you need is a resistance band tied in a small loop. Don’t have a resistance band – fine, then place one hand on the outside of each knee to create resistance as you push your knees outward.

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Hockey specific modifications to the basic battling rope exercises

Here are some hockey specific modifications you can add to your battling rope exercises. Just a few ways to add a little more overload to the hip and core stabilizers by taking you out of you neutral stance balance. I know you do not all have access to a battling rope, but I wanted to share a few new ideas with you and if you ever have a chance to get your hands on one, be sure to give it a try. If you are wanting to get one, I use the nylon one (does not shed) and I get mine from – I don’t get any money from them to say that, this is just where I got mine. Now check out the video and see the rope battle me!

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